Benny Antony 29th Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2019

Benny Antony

Dr Antony completed a degree in Medicine and Surgery with first class post graduate diploma. He did a PhD in musculoskeletal medicine at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania. His PhD focussed on childhood and adulthood determinants of knee joint health in young adults. His expertise includes quantitative and semiquantitative assessments of knee structures from MRI and design, conduct, analysis and scientific writing of clinical trials and cohort studies. His is an investigator for various multicenter clinical trials, supervise PhD and lecture for medical students. Competitive fellowships (NHMRC Early Career, Arthritis Australia) supports his postdoctoral research. He has received grants from competitive sources totalling >$1.5 million and have published >42 research papers and a book chapter. His publications include the top-tier journals such as JAMA and Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. He has received young investigator awards from various organisations (ASBMR, OARSI, EULAR, APLAR, ARA) and was selected as the state finalist for the young STEM Scientist (2017) and winner of the Young Tall Poppy Award 2016. He is a grant review panel member of NHMRC, review for >15 international journals and an Associate Editor of IJRD (APLAR journal). He has given many oral presentations at the annual scientific meetings of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), European Rheumatology (EULAR), Asian Rheumatology (APLAR), OARSI and Australian-New Zealand Rheumatology Conferences. His current interests are in clinical trials using novel imaging markers, including cartilage composition as outcomes. His research includes cohort studies using MRI and pqCT to identify early life risk factors for the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and meta-analyses.

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